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This blog is awesome. I really love what we've learned
about Jimmy as a character so far in the story. - Susiecakes McAwesome
I have already read this book, but I forget most of it. In class when we were starting Out of My Mind, Melody reminded me of some people we read about in ELA class. These people were Helen Keller and Wilma Rudolph. She reminds me of Helen Keller because Helen Keller couldn't speak words. Similarly, Melody can't speak words either. I think Melody is similar to Wilma Rudolph is because Wilma had a disibility in walking. Melody also cannot walk. My first impressions of Melody is that she is a very intelligent girl who is frustrated that she can't express and thoughts or feelings she has about anything. So far in class, we have learned many things about Melody. For example, she is a genius at memorizing everything, even though she says it is sometimes annoying. In addition, Melody is an extremely intelligent girl who many times gets frustrated when she can't say anything. I feel so bad for Melody because she can't do what people do regularly every day.
ReplyDelete- Carly Villa