Thursday, January 16, 2014

Why aren’t rules the same for all communities? The seven visitors to Lily’s Childcare group reminded me of visiting a foreign country/different culture when I don’t know all of their customs and am unsure of how to behave. What does it remind you of?


  1. about the community of sevens, what happens when lily gets older? does she get moved to another community? what happens when jonas turns twelve? does he get moved? but how do thēÿ, štãÿ tõgêthèr i am confused!

    1. It isn't the community of the Sevens, Chris. There is one community with "age groups." You move up as you get older with the same people.

  2. Maggie was just trying to help! Don't feel stupid. The whole point of the comments is to expand on each other's thinking/understanding.

  3. Thanks Ms. Fahey. Now that THAT's cleared up, I think they have different rules because, as you said in class, different ages have different privileges. a first grader wouldn't have the same rules as an eighth grader.

  4. I think that maybe later on in the book we may find out that the other communities are not as civilized or have different rules than Jonas's communities


  5. I don't think that all the communities have the same rules because, like Chris said, they must have different rulers for each community, and they would obviously have different feelings about how communities should be run, kind of like our world, and all the diversity between how different countries are run. It definitly reminds me of going some place where I have never been and don't know anything about.-Bonnie
