Thursday, January 30, 2014

Chapter 17 - Jonas's feelings for others

What did Jonas feel for Asher and Fiona? Do they feel it back? Why or why not? What realization does he come to?

Chapter 17 - Any new thoughts on the meaning of "release"?

Now that you have read this far, now what do you think “release” means? Include evidence from the text to support your answer. Do you think a society should be able to “release” people? If so, when is it appropriate?

Chapter 16 - Why was love removed from the community?

What steps did the community undertake to eliminate love? Why do you think love is considered so dangerous?

Chapter 16 - The Giver's favorite memory

The Giver gives Jonas his favorite memory. Describe the scene Jonas sees. Explain why you think this is The Giver's favorite memory.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Chapter 15 is insanely short!

Although this is the shortest chapter in the novel, it is one of the most important. Why?

Chapter 14 - Jonas shared a memory.

Do you think there will be any repercussions for Jonas after he accidentally shared a memory with Gabriel? What do you think might happen?

Monday, January 27, 2014

Literary Luminary - focus on the mood of the conversation between Giver & Receiver around page 113

Re-read the conversation between Jonas and The Giver on page 113.  What is the mood at the end of the talk? What keywords helped you decide?

Jonas is gaining wisdom from his training with The Giver.

How does Jonas’s understanding and growing wisdom increase after he experiences pain? What wisdom does hunger provide?

Vocabulary - excruciating, ominous, & placid

Look up one of the following words in a dictionary "excruciating", "ominous", or "placid". Choose the definition that matches how your word was used in the story. Use the "comment" feature to write your own sentence using this word. Be sure your sentence really shows what the word means (build in a context clue).

If you could only choose 3 books...

The family units in this community have only three books.  What three books would you choose if you were so limited in your reading?  Explain your reasoning.

Elimination of Colors, Choices, etc.

What are your thoughts on the elimination of color within the community?  Why do you believe this censorship exists in this community?


What memories do you believe will become most important for Jonas to receive? Why?