Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Aaaaaaaaaand here's one for Chapter 9!

Why is “permission to lie” so confusing to Jonas? What does it make him consider regarding the rest of the people in his society? Why is this new thought “frightening”? Explain your thinking.


  1. I think that Jonas is confused about being able to lie because he isn't used to getting that privilege and he is thinking that his other friends and his parents may have had the privilege to lie. it is frightening to him because if he were to ask his parents if that was true, he would never know if they were telling the truth

  2. i think, in simplest terms, jonas is so confused by "permission to lie" because he's been telling the truth all his life. its part of the community rules.

  3. I think he thinks that it is frightening because he has been forced to tell only the truth for his entire life and next thing you know its just like "Ya sure whatever you can break the law and lie as much as you want" It would feel like some sort of test to see if he would lie or not.- Andrew

  4. "Permission To Lie" is a confusing rule for Jonas because all his life, he's been taught never to lie. He doesn't really understand the purpose to lie. It frightens him to break a rule and he wouldn't want to anyways because it feels like he's doing something wrong. Good bye and have a wonderful day.

  5. I agree with everything above. It was a rule for Jonas to always tell the truth, and now all of a sudden he can lie whenever he wants. It made Jonas wonder if everyone else got the permission to lie, and he wouldn't be able to find out by asking somebody.

  6. i think it was very confusing to him because in the community nobody ever lies so he couldn't really grasp the concept -jenny

  7. I think permission to lie is confusing to Jonas because he has been taught all his life to never lie, and so over the years he has gotten into the habit of never lying, so it seems like being bad and breaking the rules, and it doesn't seem right. It is frightening for mostly the same reason, he has never been exposed to the concept of lying, so it seems as if he is breaking the rules.-Bonnie

  8. I agree with everyones comments. Jonas doesn't understand what lying really is. All his life he has been taught NEVER to lie, and all the sudden he can? Can everyone else lie too?

  9. I think that bonnie has a point with what she is saying in particular. That Jonas was confused when he was granted permission to lie.- Aurora
