Monday, January 27, 2014

Jonas is gaining wisdom from his training with The Giver.

How does Jonas’s understanding and growing wisdom increase after he experiences pain? What wisdom does hunger provide?


  1. i think that when jonas needs to make a choice he can refer back to his memeories of pain and use them as a reference to give guidence to the elders.

  2. Well Jonas will know more things that are tied in with pain, or that could result in pain. Like Ava said, I think that memories of pain will help him in the future for giving advice to the elders, and probably the experiences with pain in them will help Jonas more than happy experiences because he will know if a decision the community makes will end up badly. Hunger provides really the same thing, knowledge for giving advice to the elders.-Bonnie

  3. i agree! his gaining wisdom for the giver will help him give advice to the Community in the future. Jonas is learning from the mistakes of the past so he can fix the future of the Community. an example was hunger and how it provided knowledge to keep the population low so everyone is able to eat
