Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Here's another for AFTER you have read Chapter 10!

What might the advantages be to one person learning history, as opposed to everyone? What might be the drawbacks? Be sure to fully explain your answer.


  1. Well, an advantage would be that they could tell who did what and when they did it just by asking the receiver. Say for example somebody in the community breaks some major laws. They could ask the receiver and he would know. But, if the receiver was a corrupt criminal mastermind he could easily lie about it and nobody would know. If everybody knew everything then there would be know questions like "when did mitch go for a walk?'" everybody would be freakishly quiet. - Andrew

    1. Sorry I meant "no questions" not "know questions".-Andrew

  2. I think if one person learned history instead of everyone,that the advantages would be that if every one learned ELA but there was an important question in history, the history person would have an answer for them and it would help the cause.However if everyone took ELA and there was a qustion on history,that would be a major problem and possibly have neggitive effects.

  3. With only one person learning history, the other people could learn about other topics/subjects, and could ask each other questions when they needed to. However, i think only the receiver and giver get to see one another, so the people wouldn't be able to ask the receiver questions.

  4. Well in their community, an advantage would be that they would be able to keep the so called "dangerous" things or whatever they call the things that they hide from people a secret to mostly everyone. A disadvantage would be that not everyone gets to know the awesome things there are to know about life.And maybe it would be really confusing to everyone else if they learned it, and that would be a lot of work for the one receiver, trying to transmit memories to everyone.-Bonnie

  5. I agree with Jack, with one person learning all the history, the others can focus on what is really important (to them). But what if there was a some sort of crime in the community and the people asked the receiver if anything like this had happened in the past, and the receiver lied about it.....
