Thursday, January 16, 2014

Most of you are 12 now. How would it feel to be given your assigned job for life at this age? How do you think it would change your life?


  1. I think it would be horrible to get an adult job (pilot, nurturer, etc.) at age 12. I think this basically because, even with training, it is still a job only adults can do today... legally.

  2. I wouldn't like all the responsibility at such a young age. It's like having your life chosen for you. You wouldn't get to enjoy being a kid.

    1. I agree with Caroline. You get a job at 12! Seriously? You don't even keep track of your age after the Ceremony of the Twelve. I couldn't deal with that responsibility. :3 -Maggie

  3. twelve. we get our job at twelve. its bad enough they dont get paid (or do they) but they have their job to be chosen by other people?? .!?. wHaT. plus some of us arent responsible enough

    1. also jonas felt like he wouldnt be able to enjoy his childhood

  4. For me it would depend on the job i got. If i hoped for say, nurturer (and i only did a bit of volunteering there), but the Elders didn't see me very interested in it and i got pilot i wouldn't be that happy. It all depends on what you mostly do for your volunteering. I also agree with chris and caroline. I think its very weird how you just get your life chosen by a bunch of old people. I am VERY immature so i probably couldnt have handled my job at my age now


  5. It would be pretty unfair to have another person (who you barely even know) decide what you are going to spend the rest of your life doing. -Andrew

  6. i dont think the children in the community should have to start a job so early in their life they should be able to enjoy their childhood -jenny
