Thursday, January 29, 2015

Out of My Mind - noteworthy passages in Chapter 25

Post a comment here if you flagged a noteworthy passage in this chapter. For inspiration, think about our discussion of Melody being singled out on stage during round one of the tournament. Everyone had a LOT to say!

Or, try using the "Response to Literature Guidelines" sheet for ideas. What stuck out about this passage? Why was it meaningful?

As always, proofread before you post! Make your thinking clear so others know what you mean.


  1. One passage that stuck out to me was after Claire lied about being best friends with Melody and studying with her. This stuck out to me because a news lady said that they were the best of friends, when they were almost mortal enemies.

  2. I also flagged the passage about Claire lying about being friends with Melody. I felt really annoyed when I read this because here is just another example of how Claire is trying to make herself the most superior and more popular. Claire must have done this after getting so jealous that Melody was getting the spotlight and all the attention. In addition, she just wanted to be a part of all the attention, and get on Melody's nerves, not knowing that all the attention that melody was getting was unwanted by her anyways. If I were Melody, I would be ready to just completely lose it with Claire. this is such a bummer, because now everyone except Melody thinks that Claire is such a sweet girl for becoming friends with a disabled person. Reading this, made me just wish so bad that everyone knew who she really was, a mean sneaky brat!! In addition, I also think that Claire found this as her big opportunity to prove to Melody who was the real star (only because after all, claire is jealous of melody).

  3. Jocelyn, I completely agree on your response. You explained it very nicely in a very detailed way. Nice job!!!!! Everything that you said I 100% agree on. It is not at all like Clair to do this, so there is only one possible explanation...Clair is jealous of all the attention on Melody! When I was reading when you explained this, I really understood what you were saying and agreed with it. I also liked how you put a lot of voice into your writing. This passage stuck out to me too because first, Clair was thinking that she would be embarrassed on television with Melody, and now she is pretending that she is Melody's besty, just so she can get attention. This part of the book is important because it is showing how selfish, rude, and foolish she is and what a liar she is. What is people find out that is a lie? What will she do then? Apologize?
    Great job on this response, Jocelyn!!

  4. I flagged a passage on page 222. I am so happy for Melody and her team! Everyone on Melody's team got the math question right, even Melody! I bet this question was challenging for Melody. Melody is obviously confused because she says,"How do I subtract time" and "I am getting all mixed up!" Melody clicked the right answer and so did everyone else on her team. One person on the other team answer C instead of D, so Melody's team scored 86 points and won! They are the first team from Spaulding Street Elementary School to go to Washington D.C.!!! After the reporters told them that they won, lot's of pictures were taken. How do think Melody feels during this? How do you think Claire feels when everyone is taking pictures of Melody and not her? Is she jealous?
    ~Madison Soucey

  5. A passage that stuck out to me was on page 222. This stuck out to me because they won!! it was very exciting! When Melody started to kick and scream with excitement I had a feeling that Claire would say something...and she did. "Shut her up!". If I won I would be doing that to so she should back off. But that didn't bother Melody. I think that they were all shocked because it was tied and they were all confused. But when they said Spaulding Street Elementary school that's when Melody went crazy. I am so excited and happy for her team and Melody. they made it so far and the really do deserve to go to Washington D.C. That is why I marked this passage.

  6. A passage that stuck out to me was on page 221. This passage stuck out to me because the last problem was a mathematics problem. When I saw this I thought of Timmy's prediction that Melody was going to mess up and ruin it for everybody. It was also so suspenseful! I didn't know if Timmy's prediction was going to be correct or if the team would win. It turns out they won! I am so excited to see what will happen next.

  7. I agree with you Liam that stuck out to me to! I think Claire should just not say anything rather than lying on live telivision.

  8. A passage that stuck out to me was when Claire lied on national television. She said they were best friends and she was helping her all along. In reality Claire is a big fat jerk to Melody and all she does is make fun of her. Afterword, the reporter said they were best friends and made Claire seem like a great person and Melody's hero. All Claire does is brings her down with her nasty remarks about her disabilities.This annoys me because there is nothing at all that Melody can do about her disabilities. Melody has her differences but so does Claire. No human is perfect especially not Claire.
    ~Timothy Murphy
