Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Out of My Mind - dreams

At the beginning of chapter 7, Melody mentions her dreams. She says waking up is a sort of letdown. What does she mean? Why do you think dreams are so important to her? Explain from her point of view. Include specific evidence from what we have learned so far to support your thinking.


  1. In chapter seven, Melody talks about her vivid dreams. She also mentions that waking up is a big letdown. She says this because her dreams are a great way to get away from her problems that she has to deal with.

    Her dreams act as a way for her to do ANYTHING. I mean, if you loved her life everyday, you would want a way to escape from it all. During her daily life, she can't walk or talk, but she says that in her dreams, she can run, and talk, and have an amazing getaway.

    When she wakes up, she loses all of this, and goes back to reality, in which she sadly can't do any of the things that she can do in her dreams. This is why waking up is a huge letdown. Have you ever had an awesome dream on a Sunday night, and then wake up in the morning and realize you have go to school that day? This is probably ten times worse that that.

    Overall, dreams are a great part of the day to Melody, because it's a way to escape reality.

    ~Mason Wasserman

  2. If you dream you can play on the playground and get picked 1st for every game, but you can't, and if you dream that you can run sooooo fast, but you can't, and if you dream that you can play gymnastics and fit in like a " normal " kid, but you can't, you would feel a lot like Melody. This feeling of being let down comes from keeping your hopes up really high. When your Melody, hope is all you have left. Melody tried telling her mom that the blocks in the store were poisonous and that she wanted her mom to tell the store clerks that they need to go... Did not work. She tried to do what Dr. Hugely wanted her to with the flash cards... Nope not a chance with him. Finally, she tried to make her teachers understand that she is not like the other kids in her classroom and she does not wanted to be treated like a baby.... That didn't work either. Now you know a little bit about how Melody feels when she is misunderstood, but why are dreams so important to her? Well, I would describe it as her only way of being treated like the person she wants to be treated as. That reminds me of the Golden Rule at Wampatuck; treat others the way you want to be treated. I don't think that is working out in Melody's favor right now. All of her wants and wishes are whirling away in her massive brain. There is no where else for it to go because she can't open her mouth and just set it free. Have you ever felt like when you are upset about something and all you want to do is tell a friend, well with Melody, as sad as it is, there are two problems; she doesn't have any friends, and she cannot talk. Even the calm breathing strategies we have been talking about, requires complete body control, which again, Melody doesn't have. So how does she recap from being let down by a student or teacher? That is one question I would like to find out. Anyway, dreams... Dreams are so powerful in a way because just as against reality as they are, they are beautiful in a way too. They can bring you too your happy place which in this case with Melody is fantasy. She is 11 years old, and doesn't even know what kids like to do for fun! She has nothing to look forward to for Christmas because whatever she gets, she probably couldn't use it anyway. DREAMS ARE ALL THIS GIRL HAS GOT!!!!!!!!!

  3. Melody says that waking up from a dream it a let down. What I think she means by that is she feels let down that she woke up from a world where she feels more "normal". Dreams must be so important to Melody! When she's in a dream she can imagine and be anything she wants. She can walk, she can talk, she would have lots of friends, and everyone would be able to understand her. Things are almost just the way she wants. But when she wakes up to reality she feels disappointed and letdown because people can will no longer understand her. She feels happy in her dreams (much happier than she may feel now), and free to not be judged for her disabilities or be babied when she is as smart as any 11 year old. I may feel the same way sometimes too when I have the most AMAZING dream about you being with your friends or doing something that you enjoy so much but then when you wake up you realize that it was just a dream and you have to get up and start your day... I hate when that happens!

  4. Melody has extraordinary dreams about her physical challenges being gone and being able to "do anything". In her dreams she gets picked first on the playground for games, she can run fast, and call her friends on the phone. In her dreams, she feels like a normal kid. Waking up for her is a let down because she realizes the abilities she has in her dreams go away and she's trapped in her body again for another whole day where she can't walk or talk. Her dreams are important to her because they make her feel connected to other people and not so trapped. They make her feel open to the world and a part of it vs. watching it happen around her. Her dreams make her happy.

  5. In chapter seven, Melody talks about how in her dreams she is just a normal kid and gets to escape the fact that she has disabilities. Along with this, when its time for her to await the day, in reality, it is a huge letdown for her because once again she needs to get pampered by her mom to the point of frustration. Also Melody talks about how in her dreams she somewhat popular and the kids are always willing to play with her. These dreams of hers not only give her a taste of reality but also an idea of what her life would be like without her shadow of problems.

  6. Do you have any connections with Melody? Her thoughts and feelings? What about her strengths and weaknesses? Describe her relationship with her family. Is there any connections with the obstacles she faces? How?

    ~Carly Villa

  7. In chapter 7, Melody talks about her dreams. In Melody's perspective I think it is a letdown to wake up because Melody is limited to what she can do but in her dreams she can do anything! Melody can't talk but she can in her dreams, she also can't move but in her dreams she can. In dreams the possibilities are endless and you can do anything you want. In real life, you can't so that is why I think it is a letdown to Melody when she wakes up.
